First coprological survey of helminths in a wild population of black capuchin monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) in Northeastern Argentina

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Parasites play an important role in primate ecology. Although gastrointestinal parasites have been surveyed in several primate taxa, there is still a substantial paucity of data for some species. Here we report the first coprological survey of helminths in a primate species, the wild black capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus), which is endemic to the Atlantic Forest. During three winters and one summer, we collected 665 faecal samples from 44 identified individuals of two capuchin groups in Iguazú National Park, NE Argentina, for parasitological analysis. Overall, we identified eight helminths: Filariopsis sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris sp., Ascaris sp., a Subuluridae, a Physalopteridae, a Hymenolepididae cestode, and an undetermined Trematode. The Hymenolepididae (25–42%), Filariopsis sp. (15–42%), and Strongyloides sp. (11–27%) were the most prevalent parasites regardless of the survey year, group and season. On average, infected capuchins harboured 1.12–1.26 parasite taxa. The parasite community observed in the black capuchin monkeys resembled those found in other Cebidae.

Primer estudio coprológico de helmintos en una población silvestre de monos caí (Sapajus nigritus) en el nordeste de Argentina. Los parásitos juegan un rol importante en la ecología de los primates. Aunque los parásitos gastrointestinales han sido investigados en varios taxa de primates, todavía existe un vacío de información para algunas especies. Aquí reportamos los resultados del primer estudio coprológico de helmintos en una población silvestre de monos caí (Sapajus nigritus), una especie endémica del Bosque Atlántico. Durante tres inviernos y un verano, colectamos 665 muestras fecales de 44 individuos identificados pertenecientes a dos grupos de monos caí en el Parque Nacional Iguazú en el Nordeste de Argentina, para realizar análisis parasitológicos. En total identificamos ocho helmintos: Filariopsis sp., Strongyloides sp., Trichuris sp., Ascaris sp., un Subuluridae, un Spiruridae, un cestode Hymenolepididae y un Trematode indeterminado. Hymenolepididae (25–42%), Filariopsis sp. (15–42%) y Strongyloides sp. (11–27%) fueron los parásitos más prevalentes independientemente del año y la estación. En promedio, los monos caí infectados presentaron entre 1.12–1.26 taxa de helmintos. La comunidad de parásitos que encontramos presenta similitudes con la de otros Cebidae.

Influência da paisagem na presença e abundância do bugio ruivo Alouatta guariba clamitans em fragmentos florestais no sudeste do Brasil

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Este estudo avaliou a influência de métricas da paisagem na presença e abundância de Alouatta guariba clamitans em 21 remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, em Taubaté, SP. Utilizando um levantamento extensivo, entre agosto de 2014 e julho de 2015, no qual foram percorridas trilhas, das 8:00 às 12:00 e das 13:00 às 17:00 hs, totalizando um esforço amostral de 672 horas. Para obter a presença/ausência da espécie, foram considerados registros diretos e indiretos. As métricas da paisagem foram analisadas no ArcGIS v. 9.3. Quanto às análises estatísticas, utilizou-se a regressão logística múltipla e a regressão linear múltipla, ambas realizadas no BioEstat v. 5.0. O bugio-ruivo esteve presente em 57,14% (n = 12) dos remanescentes. Foi encontrada associação positiva entre a presença deste primata e a área do fragmento (Chi² = 1,16; P = 0.00). Não foi obtida relação entre ocupação e distância média dos fragmentos do entorno (Chi² = 1.19; P = 0.31), nem entre ocupação e índice de forma (Chi² = 0.53; P = 0.37). Foi obtida associação negativa entre a área do fragmento e a abundância populacional (r² = -0.53; P = 0.03). Assim, a variável área foi a mais importante, demonstrando ser fundamental sua incorporação na elaboração de modelos preditivos da ocorrência do bugio-ruivo. Embora a hipótese da configuração metapopulacional precise ser melhor investigada, nossos resultados sugerem que a manutenção dos fragmentos pequenos e médios (4.1–35 ha) pode ser importante para a conservação da espécie na região.

Effect of the landscape on the presence and abundace of the brown howler Alouatta guariba clamitans in forest fragments of southeastern Brazil. This study evaluated the influence of landscape’s metrics on the presence and abundance of Alouatta guariba clamitans in 21 Atlantic Rainforest fragments in Taubaté, southeastern Brazil. Using broad surveys completed between August 2014 and July 2015, we walked trails in the forest from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 h, totalizing 672 hours of observation. Both direct and indirect records were considered to confirm the presence of the species. Landscape metrics were analysed in ArcGIS v. 9.3. Multiple logistic regression and multiple linear regression analyses were performed in BioEstat v. 5.0. The brown howler monkey was present in 57.14% (n = 12) of the fragments. A positive association between the presence of this primate and the area of the fragment was detected (χ² = 1.16, P = 0.00). Occupation was not associated to the average distance from the surrounding fragments (χ² = 1.19, P = 0.31) or to the shape index of the fragment (χ² = 0.53, P = 0.37). A negative association was observed between fragment area and howler population abundance (r² = -0.64, P = 0.02). Therefore, area was the most important explanatory variable and should be incorporated in the elaboration of predictive models of brown howler monkey occurrence. Although hypothesis of metapopulation configuration needs to be better investigated, our results suggest that the maintenance of small and medium fragments (4.1–35 ha) may be important for the conservation of the species in this region.

Extensão da distribuição geográfica de Aotus vociferans (Primates, Aotidae)

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A distribuição geográfica de Aotus vociferans, conhecido popularmente como macaco-da-noite, estende-se quase que exclusivamente ao norte do rio Amazonas. A exceção é um pequeno enclave populacional na margem direita do rio Solimões, nas proximidades do lago Ayapuá, baixo rio Purus, estado do Amazonas. Durante inventário de primatas na Floresta Nacional de Tefé, distante cerca de 350 km a oeste deste enclave, registramos um grupo de A. vociferans, o que representa uma extensão da distribuição geográfica da espécie e suscita a hipótese de que todo o interflúvio entre o baixo rio Juruá e o baixo rio Purus poderia ser ocupado por este táxon.

Extension of geographical distribution of Aotus vociferans (Primates, Aotidae). The geographical distribution of Aotus vociferans, popularly known as night-monkey, stretches almost exclusively north of the Amazon River. The exception is a small enclave populated on the right bank of the Solimões River, near Lake Ayapuá, lower Purus River, Amazonas state. During inventory of primates in the National Forest Tefé, distant about 220 miles west of this enclave, we recorded a group of A. vociferans, which represents an extension of the geographical distribution of the species and raises the hypothesis that all the interfluves between low Juruá and lower Purus River could be occupied by this taxon.

Novos registros com uma extensão da distribuição geográfica de Callicebus cinerascens (Spix, 1823)

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O zogue-zogue cinza escuro (Callicebus cinerascens; Primates; Pitheciidae) é uma das espécies menos estudadas entre os primatas neotropicais, ocorrendo nos interflúvios Aripuanã-Roosevelt e Tapajós-Juruena, na Amazônia Brasileira. Os limites de sua distribuição, especialmente os limites leste e sul, ainda são desconhecidos. Baseado em quatro inventários de primatas distintos, nós mostramos várias novos registros de ocorrência desta espécie ao sul de sua distribuição geográfica. O conhecimento sobre primatas silvestres nesta região é completamente ausente. Estas populações recentemente descobertas estão sobre severa ameaça, uma vez que os remanescentes de florestas nativas encontram-se altamente fragmentados devido ao grave histórico de desmatamento da região. Os resultados deste estudo significativamente aumentam o número de registros conhecidos de C. cinerascens, indicando uma considerável extensão da distribuição geográfica deste táxon.

New records of Callicebus cinerascens (Spix, 1823) with an extension of its geographical distribution. The ashy black titi monkey (Callicebus cinerascens; Primates; Pitheciidae) is one of the least known Neotropical primate species occurring in the Aripuanã-Roosevelt and Tapajós-Juruena interfluves in Brazilian Amazonia. Its distribution limits, especially those to the east and south, remain imprecise. In this paper, based on four independent primate field sampling, we present several new occurrences in the south of the C. cinerascens’ geographic distribution. The knowledge of existing primates in this area is entirely absent and these recently discovered populations are under severe threat, since the remaining habitats are highly fragmented due to the historical deforestation rates of this area. The results of this study significantly increased the number of records known to C. cinerascens, indicating a considerable extension of the geographical distribution of this taxon.

Densidad de población y uso de hábitat de Cebus libidinosus (Primates, Cebidae) en un bosque yungueño de Bolivia


El k’usillo o mono silbador (Cebus libidinosus), es una especie considerada plaga de los cultivos en los Yungas de La Paz, donde ataca los cultivos de cítricos y maíz. Como contribución al manejo de este conflicto, entre mayo y octubre de 2002 y entre mayo y julio de 2003, se hizo una estimación de la abundancia relativa y densidad y el uso de hábitat del k’usillo en el bosque montano de los alrededores de la Estación Biológica de Tunquini (EBT), ubicada dentro del Parque Nacional y Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Cotapata (PN Cotapata). Utilizando el método de conteo en transectas lineales, en seis senderos establecidos, se obtuvo una tasa de encuentro de 1.48 grupos/10 km y 29.15 individuos/10 km de recorrido. La densidad de grupos estimada con el programa Distance 4.1 fue de 2.16 grupos/km2 y 29.1 indiv/km2. Esta densidad es válida solo para los alrededores de la EBT y no recomendamos su extrapolación a todo el PN Cotapata. Considerando la proporción de bosque y cultivos, el k’usillo usa los cultivos de cítricos con mayor frecuencia de lo esperado, mientras que usa el bosque de acuerdo a su disponibilidad. Esto coincide con las quejas de los pobladores del Chairo en cuanto la preferencia de esta especie por los cultivos.

Population density and habitat use of Cebus libidinosus in a montane forest of Bolivia. The Brown Capuchin Monkey, locally known as k’usillo (Cebus libidinosus), is considered a plague for citrus and corn cultivars in the Yungas region of Bolivia. As a contribution to the management of this conflict, between May and October of 2002, and between May and July of 2003, we carried out an estimate of density, and habitat use of a population in the montane forest at the outskirts of the Estación Biológica de Tunquini (EBT), located inside the Parque Nacional de Cotapata and Área Natural de Manejo Integrado Cotapata. We counted monkeys along six trails, used as line transects, and obtained an encounter rate of 1.48 groups/10 km and 29.15 individuals/10 km. The density of groups estimated using Distance 4.1 was 2.16 groups/km2 and 29.1 indiv/km2. This density is valid only for the EBT surroundings, and we do not recommend its use for the whole Parque Nacional de Cotapata. Cebus libidinosus used the cultivations (especially citrus) more than expected by its availability which coincides with the perception of the peasants.

Cambios del comportamiento como respuesta a la supresión de alimento suplementario en una población semicautiva de Saimiri sciureus (mono ardilla)

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De las 27 especies de primates colombianos, 19 están bajo algún tipo de amenaza debido principalmente a la pérdida de hábitat y al comercio ilegal de al menos 13 especies. Debido al alto número de individuos decomisados que resultan de los controles oficiales al tráfico ilegal, se ha planteado como alternativa de manejo su introducción o reintroducción en zonas protegidas. Hace siete años se introdujo una población de Saimiri sciureus en 60 ha de bosque seco dentro de un parque recreativo, los cuales se mantuvieron en semicautiverio condicionado por suministro de alimento que implicaba un alto costo económico. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la disminución progresiva de alimento sobre el comportamiento y la composición del grupo de primates. Se contrastaron los valores grupales con suministro y sin suministro de alimento artificial. La disminución gradual de alimento permitió al grupo adecuarse y aprovechar los recursos del medio a través también de un aumento progresivo en la exploración del hábitat. Se plantea esta estrategia como una alternativa viable de rehabilitación biológica.

Behavioral changes as a response to artificial food reduction in a semicaptive population of Saimiri sciureus (squirrel monkey). Nineteen of the 27 species of Colombian primates are under some type of threat due to habitat loss and illegal traffic of at least 13 species. There is a high number of individuals that are confiscated during official controls and, as a management strategy, their introduction or reintroduction in protected areas is proposed. A Saimiri sciureus population was introduced seven years ago in a 60 ha recreational park of dry forest; they were fed on artificial food in semicaptivity, engaging a high economic investment. The effect of progressive reduction of artificial food on the behavior and group composition was evaluated by comparing the values before and after the supply of artificial food reduction. The progressive reduction permitted the group to adapt and make use of the natural resources of the environment by increasing habitat exploration. We propose this strategy as a viable alternative for biological rehabilitation.

Aotus y los Atelinae: nuevas evidencias en la sistemática de los primates platirrinos

Entre los platirrinos actuales, el género Aotus posee una combinación particular de caracteres que han llevado a conflictivas hipótesis sobre sus relaciones filogenéticas. Este trabajo presenta un estudio comparativo de la morfología dentaria, y aporta nueva evidencia a favor de la cercanía filogenética de Aotus con los integrantes actuales de la Subfamilia Atelinae (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles y Alouatta). El acortamiento del trigónido de los molares inferiores, así como el gran desarrollo del talónido de P3–4, el amplio talón de los molares superiores, y la estructura y heteromorfismo de los incisivos serían algunos de los caracteres derivados y compartidos por los cinco géneros mencionados. Complementariamente, la anatomía postcraneal sugiere la monofilia de los atelinos más derivados (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles), en tanto Aotus conserva numerosas retenciones primitivas.

Aotus and the Atelinae: new evidences in the systematics of Platyrrhine primates. Among the living platyrrhines, the unusual combination of characteres exhibited by the genus Aotus led to conflictive hypotheses about its phylogenetic relationships. Dental morphology provides relevant information in platyrrhine systematics since their fossil record is almost entirely represented by teeth. Taxonomy should be based on the evolutionary history, and dental evidence suggests close affinities between Aotus (and its extinct relatives Tremacebus and Aotus dindensis) and the living genera of the Subfamily Atelinae (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles and Alouatta). The abbreviated molar trigonids, the expanded talonid of P3–4, the broad talon in the upper molars and the incisor structure and heteromorphism are some of the characteres shared by Aotus and the Atelinae. The postcranial anatomy certainly joins the most derived atelines (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles), while Aotus has several primitive retentions.

Rarity in primates: implications for conservation

A rare species contains a small absolute number of individuals, and theoretical and empirical ecologists have provided quantitative approaches to the study of differential species abundance (e.g., Preston, 1962 a, b; Gaston, 1994). The studies show that rare species are more “extinction prone” because they are more vulnerable to demographic, genetic, environmental, or catastrophic perturbations (e.g., mortality, inbreeding, habitat fragmentation, or drought, respectively). These perturbations cause “imbalances” of varying intensities, durations, frequencies, and rates which may cause population numbers to fluctuate below thresholds required for recovery. Some authors have defined and analyzed three domains of rarity: a “within-habitat” domain (alpha-rarity) (e.g., population density); a “between-habitat” domain (beta-rarity) (e.g., the number of different habitats occupied by a local population); and, a “geographic” domain (gamma-rarity) (e.g., the areal range of a species). It has been argued that species may be “extinction prone” because they occur in one or more domain of rarity and that causes of extinction may be multidimensional. These factors were studied in the Primate Order employing a subset of 97 species extracted from Wolfheim (1983). Trophic patterns for each dimension of rarity and for their combinations were also studied and found to vary from domain to domain. The broad habitat specificity of the Order implies that most species are distributed across a mosaic of edaphic and phytogeographic areas, responding with differential “norms of reaction” to stimulus patterns as they occur within and between populations. The conservation implications of the observed patterns are discussed, and a “signature” may be identified whereby Primates, broad habitat specialists, appear to display an association between endemism and low differentiation into subspecies and races. Endemism is favored where one finds poor vagility, poor survivorship, or poor colonization, traits thought to characterize large mammals, such as Primates. The traits that predispose Primates to extinction-vulnerability are components of the dimensions of rarity and may predict those strategies most likely to maximize the preservation of primate species diversity. It is concluded that Primates will be conserved where they coexist with other fauna and flora of greater ecological significance in “hotspots” of biological activity in large reserves that are close together.