Survival and reproductive potential of different cohorts of Calomys venustus
María Daniela Gomez, María Cecilia Provensal, Jaime José PolopIn order to determine winter survival and reproductive potential in cohort 2 (C2) and cohort 3 (C3) of Calomys venustus we compared these parameters between individuals of these cohorts and their offspring. Forty six males (13 C2 and 33 C3) and 29 females (21 C2 and 8 C3) were observed from June to September to determine winter survival. There were no significant differences in male and female survival between cohorts. Twenty three male-female pairs of C2 and 14 of C3 were placed in different shelters from October to January to determine the reproductive potential, which was measured as litter size, number of litters, post-partum pregnacies utilization, offspring survival and growth at weaning. There were not any significant differences in the considered reproductive parameters between the two cohorts, except for post-partum pregnancies. C2 and C3 individuals as overwintering cohort would not contribute differently to cohort 1 abundance.
Sobrevida y potencial reproductivo en diferentes cohortes de Calomys venustus. Con el objetivo de de determinar la sobrevida invernal y el potencial reproductivo de las cohortes 2 (C2) y 3 (C3) de C. venustus, dichos parámetros fueron comparados entre individuos de ambas cohortes y su progenie. Para determinar sobrevida invernal, 46 machos (13 C2 y 33 C3) y 29 hembras (21 C2 y 8 C3) fueron monitoreados desde junio a septiembre. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la sobrevida de machos y hembras entre las cohortes. Veintitrés parejas C2 y 14 C3 fueron ubicadas en refugios desde octubre a enero para determinar potencial reproductivo medido como: tamaño de camada, número de camadas, utilización de celo post-parto y sobrevida y crecimiento de la progenie hasta el momento del destete. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los parámetros reproductivos considerados, excepto para la utilización del celo post-parto. Los individuos de C2 y C3 no contribuirían de forma diferente a la abundancia de la cohorte 1.