Assembleia de morcegos em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no planalto de Guarapuava, Paraná, Brasil


A Mata Atlântica é um dos ecossistemas mais ameaçados e ricos do mundo, contando com cerca de 113 espécies de morcegos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a assembléia de morcegos de um remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista a 1100 metros de altitude, no planalto de Guarapuava, estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os morcegos foram capturados com dez redes de neblina instaladas acima do solo em 24 noites de amostragem durante 12 meses. Um total de 160 capturas de 144 indivíduos foi realizado, sendo estes distribuídos em dez espécies, com a família Vespertilionidae sendo a mais representativa. A riqueza estimada (Chao2) foi de 12.75 ± 4.14 espécies. Sturnira lilium e Molossus molossus foram as espécies mais abundantes, com 36 capturas cada. Os morcegos insetívoros dominaram a assembléia tanto em número de espécies quanto em número de indivíduos capturados. Sugerimos que essa assembléia possa ser caracterizada como uma fauna tipicamente subtropical de altitude e pode ser relacionada aos ambientes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, em especial acima dos 1000 metros de altitude.

Bat assemblage in a remnant of Araucaria Pine Forest at Guarapuava Highlands, Paraná State, Brazil. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most rich and threatened ecosystems in the world, and has about 113 bat species. The aim of this study was to characterize the bat assemblage in a remnant of Araucaria Pine Forest at 1100 meters of altitude, at Guarapuava Highlands, Paraná State, Brazil. Bats were caught with ten mist nets installed above ground in 24 night sampling distributed in 12 months. A total of 160 catches of 144 individuals was performed, these being allotted to ten species, the Vespertilionidae family being the most represented. The estimated richness (Chao2) was 12.75 ± 4.14 species. Sturnira lilium and Molossus molossus were the most abundant species with 36 catches to each. The insectivore bats dominate the assemblage both in number of species and number of individuals captured. We suggest that this assemblage can be characterized as a typical subtropical highland fauna and be related to environments of Araucaria Pine Forest, especially above 1000 meters of altitude.

New records of the rare Histiotus magellanicus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) and other bats from central Patagonia, Argentina

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Histiotus magellanicus (Philippi, 1866) is a poorly known Patagonian bat. Here we report on nine newly captured specimens and one unpublished locality from museum specimen that significantly improve our knowledge of this species’ distribution, by incorporating two Argentine provinces and reducing the distributional gap between northern and southern historical records. The new records confirm H. magellanicus as a Subantarctic Forests endemic. In addition, we report new specimens and localities from four poorly known Patagonian bats for Chubut province: Histiotus macrotus, Myotis chiloensis, Lasiurus varius (Vespertilionidae) and Tadarida brasiliensis (Molossidae).

Nuevos registros del raro Histiotus magellanicus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) y otros murciélagos de Patagonia Central, Argentina. Histiotus magellanicus (Philippi, 1866) es un murciélago patagónico muy pobremente conocido. Aquí reportamos nueve especímenes recientemente capturados y un espécimen de colección cuya localidad no había sido reportada hasta el momento. Las localidades aportadas mejoran considerablemente nuestro conocimiento de su distribución, incorporando a ella dos nuevas provincias argentinas y reduciendo considerablemente el vacío de datos entre los registros históricos del norte y sur de Patagonia. Los nuevos registros confirman a H. magellanicus como especie endémica de la ecorregión del Bosque Subantártico. Adicionalmente reportamos especímenes y localidades nuevos para la provincia de Chubut representando cuatro especies patagónicas pobremente conocidas: Histiotus macrotus, Myotis chiloensis, Lasiurus varius (Vespertilionidae) y Tadarida brasiliensis (Molossidae).

Nuevos registros de murciélagos (Chiroptera) en el norte de Argentina

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En este trabajo se reportan 37 nuevas localidades de distribución para 15 especies de murciélagos del norte de Argentina, pertenecientes a las familias Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae y Molossidae. Estos registros corresponden a 98 ejemplares procedentes de siete provincias (Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta y Tucumán). Algunas localidades representan importantes extensiones para la distribución conocida de las especies. Se agregan siete especies a cuatro provincias (cuatro a Catamarca, una a Corrientes, una a Entre Ríos y una a Salta). Además, se agregan puntos de simpatría para Myotis levis y M. dinellii en la provincia de Entre Ríos, y se agregan tres especies (Noctilio leporinus, Eptesicus diminutus y Cynomops planirostris) a la escasamente muestreada franja latitudinal de 25° S, en la región de las Yungas.

New bat (Chiroptera) records in northern Argentina. Thirty-seven new localities are added to the distribution of 15 species of bats from northern Argentina (families Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Molossidae). The new records, belonging to 98 specimens analyzed, were obtained during field works in the provinces of Catamarca, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, and Tucumán. Some localities represent important extensions to the known distributional area of some species. We add seven species to four provinces (four to Catamarca, and one to the provinces of Corrientes, Entre Ríos, and Salta). We also report information about the coexistence of Myotis levis and M. dinellii in the province of Entre Ríos, and add three species (Noctilio leporinus, Eptesicus diminutus and Cynomops planirostris) to the Yungas forests in the poorly sampled latitudinal band of 25° S latitude.

Murciélagos de bosque montano del Parque Provincial Potrero de Yala, Jujuy, Argentina

Se analizaron aspectos ecológicos de la comunidad de murciélagos de Bosque Montano en ambientes con diferentes grados de disturbio de un área protegida. En cinco muestreos en estación húmeda, empleando redes de niebla se registraron nueve especies de tres familias, siendo Vespertilionidae la mejor representada. La zona modificada mostró mayor riqueza y abundancias relativas que el bosque nativo y la forestación. La comunidad estaría compuesta por especies de amplia distribución, principalmente insectívoros de vuelo lento, con escasa representación de especies frugívoras. Se confirma la presencia de Pygoderma bilabiatum en la provincia y se aporta una nueva localidad para Eptesicus chiriquinus.

Montane forest’s bat community of Potrero de Yala’s Province Park, Jujuy, Argentina. In this research, some ecological aspects of a montane forest bat’s community were analyzed, in three different environments with varying degrees of disturbance. Five samplings were carried out in the humid season, using mist nets. Nine species from three families were recorded, being Vespertilionidae the best represented with six species. Human disturbed zone shows more species richness and relative abundances than native forest or an exotic pine forest area. The community was composed by species of wide distribution, principally slow-flying insectivorous. The presence of Pygoderma bilabiatum whose registers in the province were doubtful is confirmed. and a new locality is reported for Eptesicus chiriquinus.

Nueva especie de Eptesicus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) para Argentina

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Hasta el momento solo se conocían tres especies de murciélagos del género Eptesicus en la Argentina, E. brasiliensis, E. furinalis y E. diminutus, las que podían diferenciarse con relativa claridad siguiendo los caracteres y diagnosis de la literatura. Nuestros estudios permitieron incorporar una cuarta especie, Eptesicus chiriquinus, que hasta ahora solo era conocida hasta el centro de Bolivia, por lo que nuestro registro amplía su distribución hasta la provincia de Jujuy, unos 600 kilómetros hacia el Sur.

A new species of Eptesicus (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) for Argentina. Here we report the inclusion of a new species of bat of the genus Eptesicus for Argentina. This is the fourth species of the genus for the country, and it was recently collected in the province of Jujuy. The other three species previously recorded for Argentina are E. brasiliensis, E. furinalis, and E. diminutus. A detailed analysis indicated us that the new species is E. chiriquinus, previously known only to central Bolivia, at about 600 km North of the new locality reported here for Argentina.