Aportes al conocimiento de la distribución de los carnívoros del noroeste de Argentina

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En este trabajo se agregan 151 nuevas localidades de distribución para 20 especies de carnívoros del noroeste argentino: cinco cánidos, nueve félidos, cuatro mustélidos y dos prociónidos. Se agregan tres especies a la fauna conocida de la provincia de Santiago del Estero y dos a la de Jujuy.

Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of the carnivores of northwestern Argentina. Northwestern Argentina includes the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, and Santiago del Estero and is a unique area where biotic and abiotic factors have a significant influence on faunal patterns. Most species of carnivores that occur in Argentina are found in this region, with the exception of Speothos venaticus, Oncifelis guigna, Lontra provocax, L. felina, and Conepatus humboldtii. Distributional records were obtained from specimens deposited in systematic collections in Argentina and the United States, as well as from field surveys and personal communication from field workers at collecting localities. One hundred and fifty one new localities for carnivores in northwestern Argentina are presented, and include information on five canids, nine felids, four mustelids and two procyonids. Three species are added to the mammal fauna of the province of Santiago del Estero and two species are added to the mammal fauna of Jujuy province.

Los mamíferos del Parque Biológico, Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina: observaciones sobre su sistemática y distribución

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Se presenta una lista actualizada de los mamíferos del Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier, provincia de Tucumán. Este área incluye varios ambientes naturales ubicados en un gradiente altitudinal: Bosque Chaqueño Serrano, Bosque Montano Inferior, Bosque Montano Superior y Pastizal Húmedo de altura. La fauna de mamíferos del Parque comprende 55 especies, que incluyen 3 didelfimorfios, 1 edentado, 12 quirópteros, 10 carnívoros, 3 artiodáctilos, 25 roedores (3 no identificados), y 1 especie de lagomorfo. En el Orden Rodentia se registraron tres nuevas especies cuyo tratamiento será presentado en un trabajo posterior.

Mammals of the Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier, Tucumán, Argentina: observations on their systematic and distribution. A list of species that inhabit the Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier is presented. The area includes several natural habitats distributed in an altitudinal gradient from Chacoan Forests, Lower Montane Forests, Upper Montane Forests, to High Grasslands. The number of species in each order is as follows: three didelphimorphs, 1 edentate, 12 chiropterans, 10 carnivores, 3 artiodactyls, 25 rodents (3 unidentified), and one lagomorph. The Order Rodentia includes three unidentified specimens that are currently under study; descriptions of these new species will be presented at a later date. Most of the records for the rodents are new for the park. Two bats and four rodents are known from localities outside the park and it is possible that they may also occur in the park.

Patrones reproductivos y alimenticios de dos especies simpátricas del género Sturnira (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae)


Reproductive patterns and feeding habits are reported for two sympatric species of bats in the genus Sturnira (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae). Reproductive patterns of S. lilium and S. erythromos, in the southern portion of their distribution, are not coincident with data reported by other authors for the species in other latitudes. In general, feeding habits are poorly known. Diet selection in Río Las Piedras, Horco Molle, Province of Tucumán is related to patterns of reproduction.