Parámetros corporales y dimorfismo sexual en el conejo silvestre europeo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) introducido en Argentina


Describimos parámetros corporales (peso corporal y longitud del cuerpo, cola, orejas y patas traseras) de Oryctolagus cuniculus en la provincia de Neuquén, Patagonia argentina. Nuestros resultados indican la existencia de un definido dimorfismo sexual, con las hembras adultas de conejo presentando pesos y medidas corporales significativamente mayores que los machos adultos. Adicionalmente, los conejos en Argentina presentaron pesos corporales que superan claramente a aquellos reportados para su área de origen (Europa) y otras áreas donde fueron introducidos (Australia y Chile). Bajas tasas de depredación y/o la expresión diferencial de ciertos caracteres hereditarios explicarían estas diferencias.

Body parameters and sexual dimorphism in the European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) introduced in Argentina. We report several body measurements (body weight, and body, tail, ear and hind foot lengths) for Oryctolagus cuniculus from Neuquén province, Argentine Patagonia. Our results showed a clear sexual dimorphism between adult females and adult males, females being significantly heavier and larger than males. Additionally, rabbits from Argentina were significantly heavier than rabbits inhabiting both their original (Europe) or non-original ranges (Australia and Chile). Low predation rates and/or the differential expression of genetic traits could explain the observed pattern.

Home ranges of Philander frenata and Akodon cursor in a Brazilian restinga (coastal shrubland)

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Home ranges of Philander frenata (= P. opossum) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) and Akodon cursor (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in Barra de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, were estimated and analysed in relation to sex, age, both dry and wet, and breeding and nonbreeding seasons, and correlated with population densities and body weight. In P. frenata, home ranges were predominantly affected by the breeding season, while in A. cursor they were mostly affected by sex. There was no correlation between body weight and home range size within species. No effects of population densities on home range size were found in both species, but we detected an increase in the number of overlapping points of capture with the increase of population densities. Females of A. cursor presented territoriality while males did not. This seems to be a general behaviour in akodontines. Males would have contact with many females, and females would defend nesting and food resources. In P. frenata, neither females nor males seemed to be territorial, presenting a mating system without permanent