Evaluation of population parameters of coypu Myocastor coypus (Rodentia, Myocastoridae) during and outside the authorised hunting season in the floodplain of the Paraná River, Argentina

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We studied a Myocastor coypus (Molina, 1782) population during the authorised hunting season (AHS) and outside the hunting season (OHS) in the floodplain of the Paraná River (Argentina), a representative area for this species within its original geographic range. The aims of this work were to describe and compare fluctuations in population parameters (relative abundance, sex ratio, age structure) and in the physical condition between these two periods. Additionally, we discussed the possible occurrence of simultaneous influence of environmental factors (particularly the hydroperiod) and hunting pressure on these parameters. The absolute density during the AHS was 2.78 individuals/ha. No differences in the trapping success index were found between AHS and OHS. Throughout the study period the sex ratio remained 1:1. Adults predominated at the beginning of the AHS. There was no predominance of any age class during the OHS. The physical condition index (PCI) decreased during the AHS for both sexes, while in OHS only for females increased in December. No differences were found in the PCI between AHS and OHS for both sexes. The hydroperiod of the Paraná River showed a decrease during AHS and more stable but lower values during OHS. We hypothesise that these results could be related to a compensatory favourable effect of the habitat conditions (particularly the hydrological regime) over the negative effect of hunting pressure.

Evaluación de parámetros poblacionales de Myocastor coypus (Rodentia, Myocastoridae) durante la temporada de caza autorizada y fuera de ella en la planicie aluvial del Río Paraná (Argentina). Se estudió una población silvestre de Myocastor coypus (Molina, 1782) dentro de la temporada de caza autorizada (TCA) y fuera de ella (FCA) en la planicie aluvial del Río Paraná (Argentina), un área representativa dentro de su rango original de distribución. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir y comparar las fluctuaciones observadas en algunos parámetros poblacionales (abundancia relativa, proporción de sexos, estructura de edades) y en la condición física entre ambos períodos, y discutir el posible efecto simultáneo de factores ambientales (hidroperíodo) y de la presión de caza sobre ellos. La densidad absoluta en TCA fue de 2.78 individuos/ha. No se observaron diferencias significativas entre TCA y FCA en los los índices de éxito de trampeo estimados. Durante todo el período estudiado la proporción de sexos fue 1: 1. Los adultos fueron la clase de edad predominante y estuvieron más representados al inicio que al final de la TCA. No predominó niguna clase de edad durante la FCA. El índice de condición física (ICF) decreció a lo largo de TCA para ambos sexos mientras que sólo las hembras alcanzaron un pico relativo en diciembre (FCA). No obstante, no existieron diferencias en IFC entre TCA y FCA. El hidroperíodo del Río Paraná mostró un decrecimiento durante la TCA mientras que en la FCA se observaron valores más bajos y estables. Los resultados observados podrían estar relacionados con un efecto compensatorio de las condiciones de hábitat (particularmente del régimen hidrológico) sobre el efecto negativo de la presión de caza.

Estudo populacional de gambás, Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Didelphidae), em um pequeno fragmento florestal

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Os gambás são animais generalistas em termos ecológicos, tendo, em geral, abundância aumentada em fragmentados florestais. Sendo assim, eles são importantes indicadores para o entendimento da dinâmica desses fragmentos. Foi estudada, ao longo de 1 ano, uma população de gambás (Didelphis albiventris) em um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual de 7 ha e seu entorno agrícola. Estimaram-se, mensalmente, a abundância populacional, a composição etária e a proporção sexual. Foi possível constatar dois movimentos dos indivíduos entre as áreas estudadas (fragmento e entorno). A flutuação populacional apresentou um padrão anual com um pico populacional na estação seca.

Population study of white-eared-opossum, Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Didelphidae), in a small forest fragment. The white-eared-opossums are habitat generalist animals and occur in high abundance in forest fragments. Therefore these animals are important to understand the dynamics of this landscape. The population of Didelphis albiventris in a 7 ha stational semidecidual forest fragment and its agricultural surroundings was studied during one year. The population abundance, age structure and sex ratio were estimated monthly. Two movements between the fragment and the surrounding area were detected. The population dynamics showed an annual pattern with a high peak during the dry season.