Aspectos poblacionales del cacó (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris isthmius) y amenazas para su conservación en el nor-occidente de Colombia


El propósito de este estudio fue determinar los aspectos de la población, amenazas y el impacto de actividades humanas sobre el cacó (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris isthmius) en el Departamento de Córdoba (Colombia). Se muestrearon 28 transectos para conocer el censo y la distribución geográfica de la población. El área del estudio se caracteriza por valles aluviales inundables, ciénagas y pantanos, con un clima cálido y estaciones secas y lluviosas anuales periódicas. Se encontró una población de más de 10000 individuos en el departamento de Córdoba, en terrenos de pantanos y ciénagas. La mayor concentración se encontró a lo largo de río Sinú con 7995 individuos. El tamaño de arroyos, pantanos y algunas ciénagas permanentes determinan la extensión del hábitat del cacó; sin embargo, depende más de los granjeros y actitud de los administradores que de las condiciones del hábitat. Se censaron 1272 individuos distribuidos en 103 manadas con una densidad promedio (frecuencia de encuentro) de 3.83 ± 10.69 indiv/km, sin diferencias estadísticas entre cuencas hidrográficas (p = 0.6905). No hubo diferencias estadísticas en el tamaño de las manadas entre cuencas hidrográficas (p = 0.0749), con un promedio de 4.89 ± 8.35 indiv/manada. Se encontró un alto índice de amenaza en todas las subregiones del departamento de Córdoba. Los valores de amenaza variaron de 48.1 a 65.5, sin diferencias estadísticas entre cuencas hidrográficas (p = 0.1173). La cacería y destrucción del hábitat son los principales factores de amenaza para la supervivencia del cacó.

Populational aspects of lesser capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris isthmius) and threaten for the conservation in North-West of Colombia. The purpose of this study was to determine population aspects, threats and the impact of human activities on Lesser Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris isthmius) in Department of Córdoba (Colombia). Twenty-eight transects were sampled in order to know the census and geographic distribution. The study area is characterized by flooded alluvial valleys, wetlands, swamps, with a hot climate and yearly dry and rainy seasons. It was found a population of more than 10000 individuals in Department of Córdoba inhabiting isolated swamps and permanent lagoons. The greatest concentration was found along Río Sinú with 7995 individuals. The size of the streams, swamps and some permanent lagoons determine the extension of the habitat of Lesser Capybara; however, it depends more on the farmers and administrators attitude, than on the conditions of the habitat. The census of 1272 individuals was based on 103 herds with an average frecuency of 3.83 ± 10.69 indiv/km, with no statistical differences among watersheds (p = 0.6905). There were no differences in the size of the herds among watersheds (p = 0.0749), with an average of 4.89 ± 8.35 indiv/herd. A high index for all the subregions in the Department of Córdoba was found. Threat values varied from 48.1 to 65.5 with no statistical differences among watersheds (p = 0.1173). Hunting and natural habitat destruction were the main threat factors affecting the survival of Lesser Capybara.

Predictive distribution maps of rodent reservoir species of zoonoses in southern America

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We model potential distribution for three species of rodents known to be reservoirs of zoonotic diseases: Calomys musculinus, Oligoryzomys flavescens and O. longicaudatus.
These models provide general distribution hypotheses obtained using environmental data from record localities. Satellite remote sensing is then used to extrapolate climatic and
ecological features of potentially suitable habitats for these rodents. In the three species mapped, we found high overall correspondence between predicted (based on environmental data) and specimen based distributions. The maps proposed here provide several advantages over dot and shaded outline maps. First, the predictive maps incorporate geographically explicit predictions of potential distribution into the test. Second, the validity of the predictive map can be appreciated when localities of previous records of the studied species, not used as training sites or used as control sites, are overlaid on the map. In this approach, environmental factors, criteria and analytical techniques are explicit and can be easily verified. Hence, we can temporally fit data in more precise distribution maps.

Micromamíferos (Didelphimorphia y Rodentia) de Norpatagonia extra andina, Argentina: taxonomía alfa y biogeografía

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El conocimiento existente sobre los roedores y marsupiales del norte de Patagonia argentina extra andina es escaso tanto en aspectos taxonómicos, distribucionales como en la relación de las comunidades de micromamíferos con las unidades fitogeográficas. Aquí se presenta un análisis basado en el estudio de 58 localidades con información de egagrópilas de aves rapaces. Se detectaron 19 especies de roedores sigmodontinos y al menos cinco de roedores caviomorfos y dos de marsupiales marmosinos. Se revisó la taxonomía alfa y distribución de estos taxones, destacándose los problemas que aún subsisten, especialmente vinculados a los géneros Akodon, Oligoryzomys y Calomys. Numerosas y novedosas localidades se reportan aquí por primera vez, demostrando la existencia en Norpatagonia central de poblaciones relictuales para roedores típicamente restringidos al bosque de Nothofagus y estepas ecotonales (e.g., Loxodontomys micropus, Chelemys macronyx). El análisis de la riqueza específica, la diversidad y la equitatividad de los agregados indica un moderado pero significativo incremento de los valores de este a oeste, en correspondencia con el aumento de la heterogeneidad ambiental y las precipitaciones medias. La relación entre las muestras de micromamíferos y las unidades fitogeográficas (según el esquema de León et al., 1998), abordada mediante análisis de agrupamiento y ordenamiento, indica una división mayor que involucra a las localidades emplazadas en la Provincia Fitogeográfica del Monte y el Ecotono de la Península de Valdés que se separa claramente de las restantes localidades de la Provincia Fitogeográfica Patagónica. Los ensambles de micromamíferos son consistentes en delimitar unidades fitogeográficas menores, resultado que contrasta con las conclusiones de trabajos previos. Zoogeográficamente, en Norpatagonia ocurren dos grandes grupos de micromamíferos, uno con neta influencia de los bosques andinopatagónicos y el otro asociado a la diagonal árida sudamericana. Las distribuciones de las especies del primer grupo se comprimen sobre el contrafuerte andino en Norpatagonia occidental, expandiéndose progresivamente hacia el este, hasta alcanzar, en latitudes más australes, la costa atlántica. Paralelamente, las geonemias de los micromamíferos del segundo grupo exhiben un efecto simétricamente opuesto. Se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de emprender un plan mastozoológico integral en la Patagonia extra andina, situación imperiosa ante el avance del impacto antrópico y los cambios que este genera en los ecosistemas patagónicos.

Micromammals (Didelphimorphia and Rodentia) from Northern Patagonia, Argentina: alpha taxonomy and biogeography. Current knowledge of the taxonomy and distribution of rodents and marsupials from northern Extra Andean Patagonia of Argentina is scarce; the same is true regarding the relationship between micromammal communities and phytogeographic units. Here we present an analysis based on micromammals recovered from owl pellets from 58 localities. We registered 19 species of muroid native rodents and, at least, five species of caviomorph rodents and two marmosine marsupials. The review of the alpha taxonomy and distribution of these taxa allowed us to identify numerous problems related to the genera Akodon, Oligoryzomys and Calomys. Several new localities for the taxa under study are reported here. Among these, relictual populations in north central Patagonia of rodents traditionally restricted to the Nothofagus forest and western ecotonal steppes (e.g., Loxodontomys micropus, Chelemys macronyx) are worth noting. Analysis of community structure shows a moderate but significant increase of species diversity and richness across an east west gradient which is positively correlated with both environmental heterogeneity and mean precipitation. The relationship among micromammal samples and phytogeographic units (following León et al., 1998), assessed by means of cluster and ordinal analyses, indicates the existence of two main groups: one including localities located in the Monte Phytogeographic Province and Península de Valdés Ecotone and the other in the remaining localities of Patagónica Phytogeographic Province. At the same time, micromammalian assemblages are correlated with minor phytogeographic units, a result that contrasts with conclusions of previous studies. Zoogeographically, in northern Patagonia concur two main groups of terrestrial non-volant micromammals, one composed mainly of forms from Andean-Patagonian forest and the other, of forms related to the South American arid diagonal. Species of the former group have a distribution compressed against the Andes in northern Patagonia that gradually expands to the east in southern latitudes. The distribution of the species in the second group is the opposite. Finally, we note the need for an extensive mammal survey in Extra Andean Patagonia as a first step to solve the questions discussed in this work. Implementation of such a survey is mandatory if one considers the great impact of human activities on Patagonian ecosystems.

Estado actual del conocimiento del roedor fosorial Ctenomys mendocinus Philippi 1869 (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae)

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El género Ctenomys, ampliamente distribuido en América del Sur, comprende más de 60 especies, en su mayoría solo conocidas por su descripción original. Los estudios sobre Ctenomys mendocinus han contribuido de manera significativa al conocimiento de la biología de los tuco-tucos y al esclarecimiento de las relaciones sistemáticas entre varias especies argentinas del género. El presente trabajo resume la información existente disponible sobre este roedor fosorial abarcando distintos aspectos de su sistemática, distribución geográfica, morfología, comportamiento, reproducción, estructura poblacional, territorialidad, sistemas de galerías, estrategias alimentarias y ectoparásitos. Se ha incorporado además información inédita sobre variables corporales y craneales para cada sexo, de ejemplares procedentes de la localidad típica de la especie. La información sintetizada en este trabajo podrá servir de base para futuras investigaciones tendientes a esclarecer los patrones bioecológicos de esta especie y de otras relacionadas, los cuales constituyen una valiosa herramienta para poner a prueba modelos evolutivos propuestos para los roedores subterráneos.

Current knowledge of the fossorial rodent Ctenomys mendocinus Philippi 1869 (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae). The genus Ctenomys, widely distributed in South America, encompasses over 60 species, most of which are only known from their original descriptions. Studies on C. mendocinus have contributed to the knowledge of the biology of tuco-tucos, and to the understanding of the systematic relationships among various Argentinian species of the genus. The present study sums up the existing available information about this fossorial rodent, comprising different aspects of its systematics, geographical distribution, morphology, behavior, reproduction, population structure, territoriality, burrow systems, feeding strategies, and ectoparasites. Furthermore, new information on body and cranial variables for each sex has been included, obtained from specimens of the species’ type locality. The information synthesized in this review will serve as a basis for further research aiming at clarifying the bioecological patterns of this and other related species. These patterns constitute a valuable tool in testing the evolutionary models proposed for subterranean rodents.

Rarity in primates: implications for conservation

A rare species contains a small absolute number of individuals, and theoretical and empirical ecologists have provided quantitative approaches to the study of differential species abundance (e.g., Preston, 1962 a, b; Gaston, 1994). The studies show that rare species are more “extinction prone” because they are more vulnerable to demographic, genetic, environmental, or catastrophic perturbations (e.g., mortality, inbreeding, habitat fragmentation, or drought, respectively). These perturbations cause “imbalances” of varying intensities, durations, frequencies, and rates which may cause population numbers to fluctuate below thresholds required for recovery. Some authors have defined and analyzed three domains of rarity: a “within-habitat” domain (alpha-rarity) (e.g., population density); a “between-habitat” domain (beta-rarity) (e.g., the number of different habitats occupied by a local population); and, a “geographic” domain (gamma-rarity) (e.g., the areal range of a species). It has been argued that species may be “extinction prone” because they occur in one or more domain of rarity and that causes of extinction may be multidimensional. These factors were studied in the Primate Order employing a subset of 97 species extracted from Wolfheim (1983). Trophic patterns for each dimension of rarity and for their combinations were also studied and found to vary from domain to domain. The broad habitat specificity of the Order implies that most species are distributed across a mosaic of edaphic and phytogeographic areas, responding with differential “norms of reaction” to stimulus patterns as they occur within and between populations. The conservation implications of the observed patterns are discussed, and a “signature” may be identified whereby Primates, broad habitat specialists, appear to display an association between endemism and low differentiation into subspecies and races. Endemism is favored where one finds poor vagility, poor survivorship, or poor colonization, traits thought to characterize large mammals, such as Primates. The traits that predispose Primates to extinction-vulnerability are components of the dimensions of rarity and may predict those strategies most likely to maximize the preservation of primate species diversity. It is concluded that Primates will be conserved where they coexist with other fauna and flora of greater ecological significance in “hotspots” of biological activity in large reserves that are close together.