Evaluating microhabitat selection by Calomys musculinus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in western Argentina using luminous powders


The aim of this study was to use fluorescent powder tracking techniques to study the use of space and the patterns of microhabitat selection in Calomys musculinus at the Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve. The examination of over 3000 microhabitat records from the trails of eight individuals indicates that, in general, the species does not discriminate among major habitat types; however, we found significant differences in the specific categories of substrate used by the species within habitat. In addition, we also note that C. musculinus uses vertical habitats up to 50 cm.

Evaluación de la selección de microhábitat por Calomys musculinus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) en el oeste de Argentina usando polvos luminosos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el uso de microhábitat de Calomys musculinus en la Reserva de Biosfera Ñacuñán (Mendoza) utilizando la técnica de polvos fluorescentes. La especie es bastante generalista en el uso de los tipos de ambientes presentes, pero parece preferir algunos substratos específicos a nivel de microhábitat. Además, algunos animales utilizaron ramas y arbustos hasta medio metro de alto.

Áreas de acción en un ensamble de roedores del desierto del Monte (Mendoza, Argentina)


Home range of a rodent population in the Monte desert (Mendoza, Argentina). In the central portion of the Monte desert four small rodent species coexist: Graomys griseoflavus, Akodon molinae, Eligmodontia typus, and Calomys musculinus. Using the Convex Polygon Method, we assessed the home range of these species at different habitats and made comparisons among species, and between sexes and different seasons of the year. We found that home range did not differ among species, but there is a tendency to increase range size as the species corporal size increases. Overlapping of home range was different at different seasons of the year, probably due to different population densities, but home range size was constant along the year. Habitat type and sex affect home range only for G. griseoflavus and A. molinae, respectively.

Resúmenes de tesis

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