Diversidad de un ensamble de micromamíferos en la puna desértica de San Juan (Argentina)

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En Sudamérica los desiertos ocupan una importante extensión, llegando a cubrir en Argentina el 69% de su superficie. Si bien los micromamíferos del desierto del Monte han sido objeto de numerosos estudios, no ha ocurrido lo mismo con los micromamíferos de los desiertos de altura. Por este motivo, los objetivos de este trabajo fueron analizar la abundancia y diversidad de micromamíferos en los tres principales ambientes de Puna Desértica en su extremo austral. El estudio fue realizado en un área protegida privada, la Reserva de Usos Múltiples Don Carmelo. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en ambientes de roquedal, ladera y planicie, en un rango altitudinal entre los 3000 y 3800 m s.n.m. Se emplearon trampas tipo Sherman en nueve grillas de 36 trampas. Se obtuvo un total de 756 capturas (310 individuos distintos), con un esfuerzo de 12312 noches/trampa. La riqueza de especies fue de cuatro micromamíferos (tres roedores y un marsupial): Phyllotis xanthopygus, Abrothrix andina, Eligmodontia sp. y Thylamys pallidior. El ambiente más diverso y equitativo fue la planicie, pero también el que presentó la menor abundancia, mientras que el ambiente con la mayor abundancia de micromamíferos, pero menor diversidad y equitatividad fue el roquedal. Phyllotis xanthopygus fue más abundante en el roquedal, mientras que Eligmodontia sp. lo fue en la planicie. La riqueza de micromamíferos encontrados en Puna Desértica es similar a la encontrada en otros ecosistemas de altura de Argentina. Nuestro trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la biota de este área protegida, aportando información de base sobre ambientes montañosos, de difícil acceso y poco explorados de la región.

Diversity of a small-mammal assemblage in the Puna Desert of San Juan (Argentina). In South America, deserts occupy an important extension, covering 69% of its surface in Argentina. Most research on small mammals has been conducted on Monte Desert but it is not the same for micromammals of high deserts. The objectives of this research were to assess small mammal abundance and diversity at three main environments at southern Puna Desert. The study was conducted in the multiple-use private reserve “Don Carmelo”, on rocky outcrops, hills and plains, with altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 3,800 m a.s.l. We used Sherman-like traps and established nine trapping grids of 36 traps per environment type. We recorded 756 captures (310 different individuals) of three rodents and one marsupial species (Phyllotis xanthopygus, Abrothrix andina, Eligmodontia sp. and Thylamys pallidior) in 12,312 trap nights. Plain was the most diverse and evenness environment, but at the same time it had the lowest small mammals abundance. The environment with the highest small mammals abundance, although the least diversity and evenness, was the rocky outcrop. Phyllotis xanthopygus was the most abundant species on rocky outcrop, while Eligmodontia sp. was on plain. Small mammals richness registered in Puna Desert is similar to other high environments of Argentina. Our study contributes to the knowledge of the biota of this protected area, providing basic information about mountainous environments that represent areas of difficult access and poorly explored in the region.

Comentarios sobre la distribución de Abtrothrix andinus y Calomys lepidus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina


Se ofrece información sobre las comunidades de micromamíferos que habitan las altas cumbres de la provincia de Tucumán, por encima de 4000 m, con especial referencia a dos especies de roedores sigmodontinos. Se confirma la presencia de Abrothrix andinus y Calomys lepidus y se destaca la alta frecuencia de estos taxones en las estepas altoandinas de las Cumbres Calchaquíes y Nevados del Aconquija. Se amplía la distribución de Abrothrix andinus en Tucumán y se suman dos localidades, y se extiende la distribución conocida de Calomys lepidus unos 200 km al sur.

Comments on the distribution of Abrothrix andinus and Calomys lepidus (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Tucumán Province, Argentina. Information on the small mammal’s communities inhabiting the highlands of Tucumán Province is provided. The presence of Abrothrix andinus and Calomys lepidus are confirmed for the province and new localities for their distribution are added. The distribution of Abrothrix andinus in Tucumán is extended and two localities are added; also the distribution of Calomys lepidus is extended for about 200 km South of its previous known distribution.

Distribución de Necromys lactens y Phyllotis osilae (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) en el Noroeste argentino: modelos predictivos basados en el concepto de nicho ecológico


Distribution of Necromys lactens and Phyllotis osilae (Rodentia: Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) in northwestern Argentina: predictive models based on the concept of ecological niche. We used presence data from field records, museum specimens and literature sources to model the potential distribution of two species of sigmodontine rodents, Necromys lactens and Phyllotis osilae in northwestern Argentina, based on environmental variables. We used the DOMAIN program, which based on presence data defines the environmental space that imposes conditions to the species distribution. We worked with two data sets, one constituted only by reliable data and the other one constituted by these reliable data plus other information considered more doubtful because of its controvertible identification and location. The models obtained from the reliable data set were more efficient in the prediction of distribution than doubtful data, with Kappa index of 0.69 and 0.63 for Necromys lactens and Phyllotis osilae, respectively. These results indicate that both species are restricted to the upper portions of the most important mountains in the region and that their distribution consists of islands or patches immerse in a complex matrix of forest and semi-desert environment. Both species were associated to high altitude grasslands and ecotone environments between 1200 and 3200 m elevation, being P. osilae‘s distribution a little more extended than N. lactens.

Main food categories in diets of Sigmodontine rodents in the Monte (Argentina)

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The present study aims at improving the characterization of the dietary status of four Sigmodontine rodents (Graomys griseoflavus, Akodon molinae, Calomys musculinus
and Eligmodontia typus) by quantifying the major food categories (leaves, stems, seeds, Prosopis flexuosa pods, and arthopods) with a modified microhistological technique. The use of this new technique enhances the likelihood of accurately identifying plant parts, such as stems, seeds and fruits that are usually underestimated. Results reveal that hard tissues, like seeds, are a major resource in the diets while other hard tissues, such as stems and P. flexuosa pods, appear for the first time in the diet of all four species of Sigmodontine rodents. Rodent species display considerable trophic flexibility that may be particularly advantageous in arid environments where resource availability is unpredictable and heterogeneous.