Biología reproductiva de Artibeus lituratus y Artibeus jamaicensis (Phyllostomidae: Stenodermatinae) en un área urbana en Colombia

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Se investigó la actividad reproductiva de las hembras de Artibeus lituratus y A. jamaicensis en un área urbana y su relación con la estacionalidad climática y la disponibilidad de recursos alimenticios. Durante el año 2012 se capturaron un total de 366 hembras y se evaluó su condición reproductiva por medio de morfología externa (condición del pezón, distensión abdominal) y caracterización de las fases del ciclo estral mediante citologías de frotis vaginales. Se registra el patrón de poliestría bimodal para las dos especies, y se confirma la fenología bimodal previamente reportada para A. lituratus sobre la cordillera Oriental de los Andes colombianos. El uso de las citologías optimizó la evaluación de la condición reproductiva, reconociendo receptividad sexual (estro o cópula) en hembras consideradas inactivas por sus caracteres morfológicos externos. En un mismo muestreo se encontraron hembras en diferente condición reproductiva; por lo tanto no hubo sincronía intraespecífica en la actividad reproductiva. Sin embargo, se observó que A. lituratus y A. jamaicensis coinciden temporalmente en los periodos de gestación y parto en la segunda temporada seca y en la primera temporada húmeda del año. Se observaron los murciélagos forrajeando durante todo el año, consumiendo frutos durante varios meses y consumiendo néctar durante la temporada más seca del año. Las especies estudiadas no presentan un estricto ajuste de su fenología reproductiva al patrón climático del área de estudio y mantienen un patrón conservado de poliestría bimodal, común con otras poblaciones de hábitats no urbanos.

Reproductive biology of Artibeus lituratus and Artibeus jamaicensis in an urban area of Colombia. We investigated the annual reproductive activity of females of Artibeus lituratus and A. jamaicensis inhabiting an urban area and its relation with climate and dietary resources. The reproductive condition of each of 366 females captured during 2012 was evaluated through external morphological characters (nipple condition and abdominal distension) and the characterization of the phases of the oestral cycle using cytologies of vaginal smears. We document a pattern of bimodal polyestrous for the two species, confirming the previously reported bimodal phenology for A. lituratus on the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes. By using vaginal cytology, the evaluation of reproductive condition was optimized, recognizing sexual receptivity (oestrus–copula) in females considered as reproductively inactive by their external morphology. We found females in different reproductive condition in the same sampling period, indicating that there is intraspecific asynchrony in reproductive activity. Nevertheless, A. lituratus and A. jamaicensis coincide in gestation and birth periods in the second dry season and in the first wet season of the year. Bats were observed foraging throughout the year, consuming fruits for several months and nectar during the driest season of the year. The species studied do not strictly adjust their reproductive phenology to the climate pattern in the study area and followed a conserved pattern of bimodal polyestry, common with other populations from non-urban habitats.

Precipitation drives reproductive activity in male Microcavia australis in the Monte desert

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Desert areas represent heterogeneous environments where animals must reproduce under extreme conditions, and where a combination of environmental factors may contribute to trigger or inhibit reproduction. Microcavia australis is a caviomorph rodent that occurs in arid and semiarid habitats of Argentina. We examined how reproductive activity in male M. australis from a Monte Desert population is responsive to environmental conditions, including precipitation. Our results showed that reproductive activity of these animals is predicted exclusively by precipitation. This research adds new evidence to the ecology of this species, which could explain its wide distribution.

Las precipitaciones conducen la actividad reproductiva en machos de Microcavia australis en el desierto del Monte. Las áreas desérticas representan ambientes heterogéneos donde los animales deben reproducirse bajo condiciones extremas y donde una combinación de factores ambientales puede contribuir para iniciar o inhibir la reproducción. Microcavia australis es un roedor caviomorfo que vive en hábitats áridos y semiáridos de Argentina. Examinamos cómo la actividad reproductiva en machos de M. australis en una población del Desierto del Monte responde a condiciones ambientales, incluyendo la precipitación. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la actividad reproductiva de estos animales es predicha exclusivamente por la precipitación. Este estudio incorpora nuevas evidencias a la ecología de esta especie que podrían explicar su amplia distribución.

Reproductive success in Mus musculus (Rodentia) exposed to conspecific’s odors and overcrowding in laboratory conditions

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To assess the use of conspecific’s odors for controlling commensal Mus musculus, we studied the effect of overcrowding on the reproductive success of females in laboratory conditions. While pregnancy rates, litter size, the weight at birth, and survival until weaning did not differ between overcrowding and control groups, the time elapsed until pregnancy was lower for the control group, while the mean weight and the total number of offspring surviving at weaning were higher in the control group. Control females produced a mean of 1.25 offspring, while overcrowded females produced 0.6. A lower weight of the offspring of crowded females may affect their future chances of survival and reproduction.

Éxito reproductivo en Mus musculus (Rodentia) expuesto a olores de conespecíficos y hacinamiento bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Para evaluar el uso de olores de conespecíficos para el control de M. musculus comensales, estudiamos el efecto del hacinamiento sobre el éxito reproductivo de hembras en condiciones de laboratorio. La tasa de preñez, el tamaño de camada, el peso al nacer y la supervivencia al destete no difirieron significativamente entre hembras hacinadas y controles. El tiempo transcurrido hasta la preñez fue menor en el grupo control, mientras que el peso promedio y el número de crías sobrevivientes al destete fueron mayores. Las hembras control produjeron un promedio de 1.25 crías y las hacinadas 0.6. El menor peso de las crías de las hembras hacinadas podría afectar su supervivencia y futura reproducción.

Seasonal variation in foraging group size of crab-eating foxes and hoary foxes in the Cerrado Biome, Central Brazil


In regions with a pronounced dry season, such as the Cerrado Biome (Brazilian savannah), climate seasonality may affect food availability for canid species and, consequently, their foraging behavior. We investigated seasonal variation in foraging group size of crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) and hoary foxes (Lycalopex vetulus) in the Cerrado region for three consecutive years. Data were obtained by direct observations of foraging foxes during spotlight surveys. Both species were sighted foraging individually or in pairs with or without their juvenile offspring. However, crab-eating foxes foraged in pairs more frequently in the wet season and individually more frequently in the dry season whereas hoary foxes foraged mostly individually throughout the year. The higher frequency of solitary foragers in the dry season is possibly a response to the seasonal shortages in the availability of clumped and locally abundant food resources such as fruit and insects, important items in the diet of the crab-eating fox during the wet season. The absence of seasonal variation in foraging group size of the hoary fox may be related to its specialized food habits, since termites predominate in the diet of this species in both seasons.

Variação sazonal no tamanho de grupo de forrageio em cachorros-do-mato e raposas-do-campo no bioma Cerrado, Brasil central. Em regiões com uma estação seca pronunciada, como o Bioma Cerrado (savana brasileira), a sazonalidade climática pode afetar a disponibilidade de alimento para as espécies de canídeos e, conseqüentemente, seu comportamento de forrageio. Nós investigamos a variação sazonal no tamanho de grupo de forrageio de cachorros-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous) e raposas-do-campo (Lycalopex vetulus) na região do Cerrado por três anos consecutivos. Os dados foram obtidos através de observação direta em focagens noturnas dos animais forrageando. Ambas as espécies foram avistadas forrageando individualmente ou em pares com ou sem sua prole juvenil. Entretanto, os cachorros-do-mato foram vistos forrageando em pares mais freqüentemente na estação úmida e individualmente mais freqüentemente na estação seca ao passo que as raposas-do-campo forragearam principalmente individualmente durante todos os meses do ano. A maior freqüência de forrageadores solitários durante a estação seca é possivelmente uma resposta à diminuição sazonal na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares abundantes e com distribuição agregada como frutos e insetos, itens importantes na dieta do cachorro-do-mato durante a estação úmida. A ausência de variação sazonal no tamanho de grupo de forrageio na raposa-do-campo pode estar relacionada ao seu hábito alimentar especializado, uma vez que cupins predominam na dieta desta espécie em ambas as estações.

New data on the natural history and morphometrics of Lutreolina crassicaudata (Didelphimorphia) from central-eastern Argentina

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We provide new data on the natural history and morphometrics of one of the least studied didelphid marsupial species, Lutreolina crassicaudata. Field work was conducted in central-eastern Argentina during two consecutive years. Juveniles and sub-adults were captured during summer and autumn. Reproduction showed seasonality with a continuous breeding period from spring to summer (September to February). The analysis of 17 scats belonging to 17 individuals showed mainly seeds and vegetal remains, as well as amphibians, birds and invertebrates. Sexual dimorphism in juveniles and sub-adults was registered for the first time, being males larger and heavier than females.

Nuevos datos sobre la historia natural y morfometría de Lutreolina crassicaudata (Didelphimorphia) del centro-este de la Argentina. En este trabajo proporcionamos nuevos datos sobre la historia natural y morfometría de una de las especies de marsupiales didélfidos menos estudiadas, Lutreolina crassicaudata. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo en el centro-este de la Argentina durante dos años consecutivos. Los individuos juveniles y subadultos fueron capturados durante el verano y el otoño. La reproducción mostró estacionalidad, con un período de crianza continuo durante primavera y verano (septiembre a febrero). El análisis de 17 heces pertenecientes a 17 individuos presentó principalmente semillas y restos de vegetales, como así también anfibios, aves e invertebrados. Se registró dimorfismo sexual en las clases de edad juveniles y subadultos, siendo los machos más grandes y pesados que las hembras.

Dinâmica populacional de marsupiais e roedores no Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Ilha de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil

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Population dynamics of marsupials and rodents in Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. A two-year mark-recapture study of small mammals was conducted in an area of Atlantic Forest hillside in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Four species of marsupial and seven species of rodent were captured during 12132 trap nights. Aspects of population dynamics and natural history are discussed for each common species. The sex ratio was biased toward males for all species. Oryzomys russatus, Didelphis aurita and Akodon montensis had the highest population densities, the least amount of variation in population density and an inverse relationship between survivorship rates and population densities. Micoureus paraguayanus, Nectomys squamipes and O. angouya registered the higher population densities after continual survivorship rates. The recruitment rates were low for most species (< 50%), with some, M. paraguayanus, Lutreolina crassicaudata, Oligoryzomys nigripes, O. angouya and Oxymycterus aff. judex, disappearing occasionally from the study area. The survivorship rates were high for most species (> 50%). Population densities of D. aurita, O. nigripes and O. aff. judex increased in cold and dry periods. The marsupials reproduced seasonally from late winter until the end of the summer, whereas rodents reproduced throughout the year. No species were long-lived, with average life-span < six months.

Biologia reprodutiva de Delomys dorsalis (Hensel, 1872) —Rodentia, Sigmodontinae— em área de floresta ombrófila mista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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Reproductive biology of Delomys dorsalis (Hensel, 1872)—Rodentia, Sigmodontinae—in an area of mixed forest with conifers, at Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Delomys dorsalis is restricted to the wet tropical and subtropical forests of southern and southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina. The reproductive cycle of this species was studied by the histological examination of the reproductive tracts of animals caught in an area of mixed forest with conifers (29° 23′ S, 50° 23′ W), in southern Brazil, and from observations on a laboratory group of individuals. Fourteen expeditions were carried out from February 1997 to April 1998, during approximately 3 nights, using 140 live traps set on the ground and on branches between 1.5 and 2.0 m high. Reproductively active individuals were observed year round, although winter was marked by a reduction in breeding activity resulting from recruitment. Females showed a post-partum oestrus and a gestation time between 21 and 22 days. The litter size in captivity ranged from two to four, though pregnant females collected from the field had even five embryos. External reproductive features, frequently used as indicatives of the reproductive status of small mammals in ecological studies, were not accurate and underestimated the number of active animals in the population. Some individuals showed a remarkable scansorial ability that should be considered in future studies about population dynamics.

Offspring sex ratio of introduced red deer in Patagonia, Argentina, after an intensive drought

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) introduced to Patagonia have reached high densities in the forest-steppe ecotone. Drought conditions during 1998/99 were suspected to impact subsequent reproductive performance. Necropsies of 50 adult females during the 1999 winter revealed lowered pregnancy rates and lactation in 32% of non-pregnant as opposed to 0% among pregnant females. There were no signs of fetal resorptions or abortions. The fetal sex ratio (20m:8f) deviates significantly from unity, and mothers with female or male fetuses averaged 6.7 and 5.2 years, respectively (P = 0.14). However, 90% of primiparous females (2.5 years old) had males, the following age class had all females, the middle age class (5–8 years old) had all males, and older females had equally male or female fetuses. These females were at borderline of body condition allowing conception and thus were at extremely low levels of condition during breeding. The male-biased fetal sex ratio contrasts reports of other studies that only females in best condition tend to have male-biased offspring. However, ambivalent results from other studies may stem from not having evaluated body fat reserves and reproductive tracts, or studies done during environmental conditions not extreme enough. The present results also indicate that red deer populations occur at densities where they can easily become food-limited through a singular environmental phenomenon such as a drought. Although recruitment rates would be drastically reduced through such temporary food shortage, red deer will recuperate rapidly and will continue to exert intensive pressure on the flora causing subsequent damage if population densities are not lowered through hunting.

La proporción de sexo fetal del ciervo colorado introducido en la Patagonia, Argentina después una sequía intensa. El ciervo colorado (Cervus elaphus) introducido en Patagonia ha alcanzado densidades altas en el ecotono de bosque-estepa. Se sospecha que la sequía de 1998/99 tuvo un impacto sobre la reproducción. Las necropsias de 50 hembras adultas durante el invierno 1999 revelaron una tasa de preñez reducida y lactación en 32% de hembras no-preñadas versus 0% en las preñadas. No hubo indicaciones de reabsorciones o abortos. La proporción de sexo fetal (20m:8h) difirió significativamente de la unidad, pero la edad de las madres con fetos machos o hembras no difirió, con promedios de 6.7 y 5.2 años, respectivamente. Sin embargo, el 90% de hembras primíparas (de 2.5 años) tuvo machos, la siguiente clase de edad tuvo todas hembras, la clase mediana (de 5–8 años) tuvo todos machos, y las hembras de mayor edad tuvieron igualmente fetos de ambos sexos. Estas hembras tuvieron una condición física mínima que permitió la concepción y por lo tanto una condición extremamente baja durante la brama. La mayor proporción de fetos de sexo macho se opone a resultados de otros estudios en los cuales se concluyó que solamente las hembras de mejor condición física tienden a tener más crías machos. Sin embargo, conclusiones ambivalentes de otros estudios podrían ser resultado de la no evaluación de la condición física o el tracto reproductivo, o de estudios bajo condiciones ambientales no suficientemente extremas. El presente estudio muestra además que las poblaciones del ciervo colorado se encuentran en densidades tales que fácilmente pueden estar sujetas a una limitación nutricional por un fenómeno ambiental tan singular como el de una sequía puntual. Aunque la tasa de reclutamiento baja drásticamente por la escasez de comida, el ciervo colorado se recupera rápidamente y continúa ejerciendo presión intensiva sobre la flora si no es controlado a través de la caza.

Estudio histológico en gónadas de Ctenomys mendocinus en la localidad de Cacheuta (Mendoza, Argentina)

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En la localidad de Cacheuta (Mendoza, Argentina), ubicada a 1237 m de altura sobre el nivel del mar, se estudiaron los ciclos reproductivos mediante cortes histológicos de gónadas en Ctenomys mendocinus. Se encontró que la actividad sexual probablemente comienza a mediados de invierno hasta comienzos de otoño donde se evidencia una notable regresión gonadal.

Histological study of gonads of Ctenomys mendocinus from Cacheuta (Mendoza, Argentina). The reproductive cycles of Ctenomys mendocinus specimens from Cacheuta (Mendoza, Argentina), at 1237 m above sea level, were studied using histological sections of gonads. Observations led to determine that the sexual activity of this species takes place from July through February–March, and that there is a noticeable period of gonadal regression in April and June.

Estrous cycle in laboratory and field conditions in two species of South American Muridae (Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha)

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Many South American murids are reservoirs of etiologic agents of endemic diseases that are transmitted to man. The study of their reproductive physiology is essential for the knowledge of these diseases. We studied the changes in the vaginal cell morphology to determine the characteristics of the estrous cycle in Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha in laboratory conditions. We used this information to establish in these species the distribution of the estrous cycle throughout the seasons during a year in field conditions. The length of the cycle most frequently observed was 6 and 7 days for A. azarae and C. laucha respectively. In both species vaginal smears were studied during the estrous cycle. The changes in the vaginal smears were also studied during gestation in C. laucha. Field data showed that there is not a complete interruption of estrous cyclicity in these rodents in winter, however pregnant females (as determined by abdominal palpation) were not captured in this season.

Ciclo estral en condiciones de laboratorio y de campo en dos especies de múridos sudamericanos (Akodon azarae y Calomys laucha). Muchos múridos sudamericanos son reservarlos de agentes etiológicos de enfermedades endémicas que son transmitidas al hombre. El estudio de su fisiología reproductiva es esencial para el conocimiento de estas enfermedades. Estudiamos los cambios en la morfología celular vaginal para determinar las características del ciclo estral en Akodon azarae y Calomys laucha en condiciones de laboratorio. Usamos esta información para establecer en estas especies la distribución del ciclo estral en condiciones de campo a través de las estaciones de un año. El largo del ciclo observado más frecuente fue de 6 y 7 días para A. azarae y C. laucha respectivamente. En ambas especies los extendidos vaginales fueron estudiados durante el ciclo estral. Los cambios en los extendidos vaginales fueron también estudiados durante la gestación en C. laucha. Los datos de campo mostraron que no hay una completa interrupción de la ciclicidad estral en estos roedores en invierno, sin embargo no se capturaron hembras preñadas (determinadas por palpación abdominal) en esta estación.