Small mammal communities in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

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Very little is known concerning small mammal ecology and their distribution in the highlands of Guatemala. Small mammals were trapped from five different cloud forests in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Cloud forest elevations ranged from 2600 m to 3350 m. Most sites had evidence of human disturbance, with only Cerro Bobí having a relatively pristine forest. A total of 13 species was recorded with the species density at sites ranging from six to ten. Accounts of each species are given. The most common species present was Reithrodontomys sumichrasti, except at Cerro Bobí where Peromyscus guatemalensis was most abundant. Differences between years and between seasons (wet versus dry) were minor. Only the site at Cerro Bobí, with relatively pristine cloud forest, appeared to have a species composition that resembled other cloud forests in the highlands of Guatemala. Information on reproduction is summarized.

Comunidades de pequeños mamíferos en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Se sabe muy poco sobre la ecología y distribución de micromamíferos en las tierras altas de Guatemala. Los micromamíferos fueron capturados en cinco diferentes bosques nubosos de la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Las elevaciones de los sitios de muestreo oscilaron entre los 2600 y los 3350 m. La mayoría de los sitios tenían evidencia de perturbación humana, excepto por Cerro Bobí que tenía un bosque relativamente prístino. Se registraron 13 especies con densidad de especies entre sitios de seis a diez. Las especies más comunes presentes fueron Reithrodontomys sumichrasti, excepto en el Cerro Bobí, donde Peromyscus guatemalensis fue la especie más abundante. Las diferencias entre años y entre estaciones (húmeda versus seca) no fueron significativas. Sólo el sitio en el Cerro Bobí, con bosque nuboso relativamente prístino, parece tener una composición de especies similar a otros bosques nubosos de tierras altas de Guatemala. Adicionalmente, se presentan datos sobre las especies capturadas, incluyendo información reproductiva.

La importancia de los nematodes Syphaciini (Syphaciinae–Oxyuridae) como marcadores especifícos de sus hospedadores

La especificidad es uno de los principales atributos de los parásitos. El hallazgo de especies parásitas altamente específicas puede brindar información sobre los hospedadores. Además, la especificidad hospedatoria describe patrones de asociación actual que pueden reflejar la historia macroevolutiva. En este trabajo se analizó la especificidad hospedatoria de los nematodes Syphaciini (Oxyuridae) parásitos de roedores Muroidea (Rodentia) americanos y en particular de roedores akodontinos de Argentina. Por otra parte, con el fin de distinguir posibles eventos evolutivos, los conocimientos taxonómicos, ecológicos y los resultados de especificidad de los nematodes Syphaciini se integraron con la filogenia de los roedores Akodontini. Los resultados mostraron correspondencia entre especie parásita – género hospedador e indicaron que estos parásitos acompañan la diversificación de sus hospedadores. Por lo expuesto, se sugiere que estos nematodes serían de utilidad como marcadores taxonómicos de la historia evolutiva de sus hospedadores.

The importance of Syphaciini nematodes (Syphaciinae–Oxyuridae) as specific marker of their hosts. The specificity is one of the main features of parasites. The founding of highly specific parasite species can offer information on their hosts. Also, the host specificity describes patterns of current association that can reflect the macroevolutive history. The host specificity of the Syphaciini (Oxyuridae) nematode parasites of American Muroidea (Rodentia) and akodontine rodents was analyzed in this study. On the other hand, with the aim of distinguishing possible evolutionary events, the taxonomic-ecological knowledge and the results of specificity of Syphaciini were integrated with the phylogeny of the Akodontini rodents. The results showed correspondence between parasite species – genus host and explain that these parasites accompany the diversification of their hosts. As regarded, it is suggested that these nematodes would be useful as taxonomic markers of the evolutionary history of their hosts.

Efeito do gradiente floresta-cerrado-campo sobre a comunidade de pequenos mamíferos do Alto do Maciço do Urucum, oeste do Brasil

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O Maciço do Urucum é uma região montanhosa localizada na borda oeste do Pantanal, sendo caracterizado pelo contato entre ambientes florestais, savânicos e campestres. Acredita-se que em paisagens como as do Maciço do Urucum, a estrutura da comunidade de pequenos mamíferos seja fortemente influenciada pela diversidade de habitats. Neste estudo procuramos determinar a influência do gradiente floresta-cerrado-campo sobre a estrutura da comunidade de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores no Maciço do Urucum, oeste do Brasil. Para amostrar as espécies de pequenos mamíferos foram utilizadas armadilhas de interceptação e queda, instaladas em manchas de floresta semidecídua, cerrado stricto sensu e em campos de altitude. No total, foram amostradas 10 espécies de pequenos mamíferos não-voadores, nove em florestas semidecíduas, quatro em cerrado stricto sensu e cinco nos campos de altitude. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa entre os habitats amostrados quanto à abundância, riqueza e diversidade de espécies. As florestas semidecíduas apresentaram quatro espécies que foram exclusivas deste ambiente, enquanto os campos de altitude apresentaram apenas uma espécie exclusiva. Não houve forte influência do gradiente floresta-cerrado-campo sobre a estrutura da comunidade local de pequenos mamíferos, uma vez que nove espécies (90%) ocorreram em florestas semidecíduas. Uma razão para isto é o provável efeito de borda sobre os habitats florestais com relação às espécies de habitats abertos. Finalmente, as espécies registradas neste estudo foram divididas em dois grupos: as generalistas, registradas simultaneamente em florestas e áreas abertas, e as aparentemente especialistas, que só foram amostradas em florestas semidecíduas e nos campos.

Effect of the forest-savanna-grassland gradient on the small mammals of the high Urucum Mountains, west of Brazil. The Urucum Mountains comprehend a hilly region in western Brazil which lies in the western edge of the Pantanal wetlands, being characterized by the contact among forests, savannas and grasslands. It is usually known that the community structure of small mammals is strongly influenced by the habitat diversity. Based on this, we determined the influence of the forest-savanna-grassland gradient in the structure of the small mammal community in the Urucum Mountains. For sampling small mammal species, pitfall traps were installed within semideciduous forests, savannas and grasslands. In total, 10 species were recorded, nine in semideciduous forest, four in savanna and five in grassland. However, there is no significant difference between habitats in relation to abundance, richness and species diversity. Four species were recorded exclusively in the semideciduous forest, and only one was exclusively recorded in the grassland. There was no strong influence of the forest-savanna-grassland gradient on the structure of local small mammal community, since nine species (90%) occurred in semideciduous forest. A reason for this was a probable edge effect on forested habitats with regard to open habitat species. Finally, species recorded in this study were divided in two groups: the generalist species recorded simultaneously in forest and open habitats, and the apparently specialist species recorded only within forests or grasslands.

Diferenciación morfológica en sigmodontinos (Rodentia: Cricetidae) de las Guayanas venezolanas en relación a su locomoción y hábitat

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Reiteradamente se ha mencionado una presunta asociación entre morfología, tipos de locomoción y preferencia de hábitat en sigmodontinos. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han puesto a prueba este vínculo. La finalidad de este estudio fue poner a prueba dicha hipótesis mediante el estudio de sigmodontinos de la Guayana venezolana. Se analizaron ejemplares pertenecientes a 13 géneros clasificados en base a su locomoción (terrestres, trepadores-arbóreos y semiacuáticos) y hábitat (áreas boscosas y abiertas). Se tomaron diez medidas corporales y se caracterizaron estructuras externas (orejas, pata anterior y posterior, vibrisas rostrales, escamación de la cola). Un análisis de componentes principales distingue tres agrupaciones: A) géneros terrestres de áreas abiertas (Necromys, Sigmodon, Zygodontomys y Calomys); B) géneros semiacuáticos (Neusticomys, Holochilus y Nectomys); y C) géneros de áreas boscosas y Oligoryzomys. En paralelo, un análisis de agrupamiento define dos grupos mayores; uno conformado por los grupos A (excepto Calomys) y B (excepto Neusticomys) y otro por Calomys, Neusticomys y el grupo C que a su vez se separa en formas terrestres y trepadoras-arbóreas. En términos generales, los géneros que habitan un mismo hábitat son más similares morfológicamente entre sí que aquellos de otras áreas o que poseen otro tipo de locomoción. Los miembros de cada uno de los tres grupos mayores no están más emparentados filogenéticamente entre sí que con miembros de los otros grupos. Por lo tanto, al momento de inferir relaciones filogenéticas de sigmodontinos, los caracteres externos deben de ser considerados con precaución.

Morphological differentiation in sigmodontines (Rodentia: Cricetidae) of the Venezuelan Guayana in relation to their locomotion and habitat. The association among different morphotypes and locomotor types and habitat preference has been repeatedly mentioned in the sigmodontine literature; however, those associations have been seldom tested. The goal of the present study was to morphologically characterize and compare sigmodontines from Venezuelan Guayana in relation to their type of locomotion and habitat. Specimens belonging to 13 genera were classified on the basis of locomotion (terrestrial, climbing-arboreal, and semiaquatic) and habitat preference (forest and open areas). Ten body measurements were recorded and features of the ears, fore- and hindfoot, rostral vibrissae, and tail scales were scored. A principal component analysis distinguishes three groups: A) one composed of terrestrial forms from open areas (Necromys, Sigmodon, Zygodontomys, and Calomys); B) another formed by semiaquatic genera (Neusticomys, Holochilus, and Nectomys); and C) the last one formed by genera from forested areas plus Oligoryzomys. A cluster analysis defines two main groups: one formed by groups A (except Calomys) and B (except Neusticomys) and the other containing Calomys, Neusticomys, and the group C that in turns is subdivided into a subgroup of terrestrial forms and a subgroup of climbing-arboreal forms. Taken as a whole our results show that genera from a particular habitat are more similar to each other than to genera from other areas or those that posses a different locomotion type. Members of each of these three groups are not more closely related among them than to members of other groups. Therefore, inferring sigmodontine phylogenetic relationships from external characters should be undertaken with caution.

Microvertebrados depredados por Leopardus pajeros (Carnivora: Felidae) en el sur de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina

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El gato de pajonal (Leopardus pajeros) es un félido sudamericano que, a pesar de su amplia distribución geográfica, presenta numerosos aspectos de su biología aún desconocidos. La presente contribución aporta datos acerca de los microvertebrados depredados por esta especie en el sur de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina, mediante el análisis de fecas. Las fecas fueron atribuidas al gato de pajonal mediante un análisis de ácidos biliares. Entre los microvertebrados depredados por L. pajeros, 92% correspondió a roedores, mientras que el resto estuvo representado por lagartijas y aves. La mayoría de los roedores consumidos fueron cricétidos, seguidos en importancia por tuco-tucos (Ctenomys).

Microvertebrates preyed by Leopardus pajeros (Carnivora: Felidae) in southern Mendoza province, Argentina. The Pampas cat (Leopardus pajeros) is a small South American felid with a broad geographic distribution; in spite of this, little is known about its biology. Based on fecal analysis, we present data on microvertebrates preyed upon by the Pampas cat in southern Mendoza province, Argentina. Feces were assigned to this felid species by bile-acid analysis. Leopardus pajeros preyed mainly upon rodents (92% of all microvertebrate prey); lizards and birds constituted the remainder prey surveyed. Most rodents were represented by cricetids, followed in importance by tuco-tucos (Ctenomys).

A comparison of three methods to estimate variations in the relative abundance of mountain vizcachas (Lagidium viscacia) in the High Andes ecosystems

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Mountain vizcachas are large rodents that constitute the main prey of the High Andes meso-carnivores. We compared the line transect pellet count, observation rate and photographic rate methods to estimate the relative abundance of mountain vizcachas in the High Andes ecosystems. Although a more formal validation based on the comparison
with true abundances is desirable, our results suggested that these simple and affordable indices are promising methods, especially if protocols and sampling efforts are carefully
standardized. We recommend the use of photographic rates, which are likely to provide the most reliable estimates, especially where mountain vizcachas are active at night.

Una comparación de tres métodos para la estimación de las variaciones en la abundancia relativa del chinchillón (Lagidium viscacia) en ecosistemas altoandinos. Los chinchillones son roedores de gran tamaño que representan la presa principal de los meso-carnívoros altoandinos. Para estimar la abundancia relativa de chinchillones en los ecosistemas altoandinos, se compararon conteos de fecas en transectas lineales, frecuencia de observación y de capturas fotográficas. A pesar de que una validación más formal basada en la comparación con abundancias reales es deseable, nuestros resultados sugieren que estos índices simples y de bajo costo son métodos prometedores, en particular si los protocolos y el esfuerzo de muestreo son cuidadosamente estandarizados. Recomendamos el uso de la frecuencia de capturas fotográficas, que probablemente brinda las estimaciones más confiables, especialmente en los sitios donde los chinchillones son activos durante la noche.

Arthropods and helminths assemblage in sigmodontine rodents from wetlands of the Río de la Plata, Argentina

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The assemblage of arthropods and helminths present in sigmodontine rodents (Cricetidae) from a broad wetland area of the Río de la Plata, Argentina, was studied. A total of 250 sigmodontines were captured during a two-year sampling period: Scapteromys aquaticus and Oxymycterus rufus were the most abundant hosts, followed by Oligoryzomys nigripes, Akodon azarae, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and Deltamys kempi. There were 33102 parasites collected, corresponding with Rhopalopsyllidae fleas (Siphonaptera), Hoplopleuridae lice (Phtiraptera), Laelapidae and Macronyssidae mites, Ixodidae ticks, and Trombiculidae chiggers (Acari), the trematodes Echinostomidae, Microphallidae, and Dicrocoelidae, the flatworm Ciclophyllidea, the nematods Trichuridae, Spiruridae, Onchocercidae, Physalopteridae, Aspidoderidae, Oxyuridae, and Nippostrongylinae, and the thorny-headed worm Acanthocephala. A list of arthropods and helminths species associated with each rodent species was given, as well as the prevalence and mean abundance. New host and geographic records were provided. The phenogram of the relationships of the parasite assemblages showed a high value of similarity between both species of Oligoryzomys, and between S. aquaticus and O. rufus. Variation of the values observed in the prevalence and the mean abundance of the host-parasite association suggests that there could be environmental barriers between the rodent populations, or that differential behavior of the host species (i.e. use of microhabitats, tropics behaviors) may influence these indexes. This knowledge may be used to determine targets for biological conservation and ecological impact of parasitism in the area.

Ensamble de artrópodos y helmintos parásitos en roedores sigmodontinos de los humedales del Río de la Plata, Argentina. Se estudió el ensamble parasitario de artrópodos y helmintos en roedores sigmodontinos (Cricetidae) en una franja de los humedales del Río de la Plata, Argentina. Se capturaron un total de 250 roedores sigmodontinos durante dos años consecutivos. Scapteromys aquaticus y Oxymycterus rufus fueron los más abundantes, seguidos por Oligoryzomys nigripes, Akodon azarae, Oligoryzomys flavescens, y Deltamys kempi. Se colectaron 33102 parásitos correspondientes a pulgas Rhopalopsyllidae (Siphonaptera), piojos Hoplopleuridae (Phtiraptera), ácaros Laelapidae y Macronyssidae, garrapatas Ixodidae, y bichos colorados Trombiculidae (Acari), trematodes Echinostomidae, Microphallidae y Dicrocoelidae, cestodes Ciclophyllidea, nematodes Trichuridae, Spiruridae, Onchocercidae, Physalopteridae, Aspidoderidae, Oxyuridae y Nippostrongylinae, y los gusanos espinosos Acanthocephala. Se detalla una lista de las asociaciones de artrópodos y helmintos con cada especie hospedadora y se dan las prevalencias y abundancias medias. Además, se mencionan nuevos registros geográficos y hospedatorios. Los fenogramas de similitud de los ensambles parasitarios mostraron altos valores entre ambas especies de Oligoryzomys y entre S. aquaticus y O. rufus. Variaciones en los valores de prevalencia y abundancia media observados en las asociaciones parásito-hospedador sugieren que podrían estar actuando barreras ambientales entre las poblaciones hospedadoras, o que el comportamiento diferencial de las especies hospedadoras (i.e. uso de microhábitat, comportamiento trófico) puede estar influenciando dichos índices. Este conocimiento puede ser utilizado para identificar objetivos en la conservación y en el impacto ecológico del parasitismo en el área.

Micromamíferos del sector oriental de la altiplanicie del Somuncurá (Río Negro, Argentina)


Sobre la base de material proveniente de egagrópilas y ejemplares trampeados en 10 localidades se brindan los primeros datos documentados para pequeños mamíferos en el sector oriental de la altiplanicie del Somuncurá. Las especies brevemente tratadas en esta nota son (en orden alfabético): Didelphimorphia: Lestodelphys halli y Thylamys sp.;
Rodentia: Abrothrix longipilis, A. olivaceus, Akodon iniscatus, A. molinae, Calomys cf. C. musculinus, Ctenomys sp., Eligmodontia sp., Euneomys petersoni, Galea musteloides,
Graomys griseoflavus, Microcavia australis, Notiomys edwardsii, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, Phyllotis xanthopygus y Reithrodon auritus.

Small mammals from the Eastern sector of Somuncurá plateau (Río Negro, Argentina). We present the first data on small mammals for the Somuncurá basaltic plateau based on materials recovered from owl pellets and trapped individuals representing 10 localities. The briefly addressed species are (in alphabetical order): Didelphimorphia: Lestodelphys halli and Thylamys sp.; Rodentia: Abrothrix longipilis, A. olivaceus, Akodon iniscatus, A. molinae, Calomys cf. C. musculinus, Ctenomys sp., Eligmodontia sp., Euneomys petersoni, Galea musteloides, Graomys griseoflavus, Microcavia australis, Notiomys edwardsii, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, Phyllotis xanthopygus, and Reithrodon auritus.

Estrutura de comunidades de pequenos mamíferos e densidade de Necromys lasiurus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) em áreas abertas de Cerrado no Brasil central

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Investigamos comunidades de pequenos mamíferos de Cerrado em formações vegetais abertas do Parque Nacional de Emas (PNE), no Brasil Central. Amostramos 10 áreas que representavam as principais variações fisionômicas das áreas abertas do PNE. Avaliamos variações entre áreas na abundância, riqueza de espécies e densidade da espécie de pequeno mamífero mais comum na região (Necromys lasiurus). Amostramos no total 10 áreas usando armadilhas dispostas em linhas de captura. Em uma das áreas utilizamos o método de Linhas de Verificação para estimar a densidade de N. lasiurus. Com um esforço de 1440 armadilhas-noite, capturamos 180 indivíduos, cinco roedores e dois marsupiais. Necromys lasiurus representou 86.7% do total de indivíduos e foi a única espécie presente em oito das dez áreas amostradas, estando ausente apenas nas áreas úmidas. Clyomys laticeps foi a segunda espécie mais freqüente, ocorrendo em quatro áreas e representando 3.9% do total de indivíduos capturados. Uma Análise de Correspondência não indicou uma separação clara entre as áreas amostradas nas duas épocas e agrupou os campos úmidos, influenciados pela captura do roedor Oxymycterus delator e do marsupial Lutreolina crassicaudata. Não houve diferença significativa entre os sucessos de captura das duas épocas. No entanto, capturamos significativamente mais jovens de N. lasiurus no auge da estação chuvosa do que na época de transição. A densidade estimada dessa espécie no período de transição entre estações, de 19.02 ind/ha, foi alta em comparação com outras áreas de Cerrado. O presente estudo indicou que as áreas abertas do PNE possuem comunidades de pequenos mamíferos semelhantes a formações similares em outras regiões de Cerrado.

Small mammals’ community structure and density of Necromys lasiurus (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) in open areas of the Cerrado in central Brazil. We investigated small-mammal communities of open Cerrado areas at the National Park of Emas (NPE), Central Brazil. Ten areas were sampled representing the full range of physiognomic forms of open areas at the NPE. Variation among areas in abundance, species richness, and also density of the most common small-mammal species in the region, were evaluated. The sampled areas were 4 in the dry-wet season and 6 in the rainy season, using traps forming lines. In one area we used the method of Assessment Lines to estimate N. lasiurus density. With an effort of 1440 trapping-nights we captured 180 individuals, five rodents and two marsupials. Necromys lasiurus represented 86.7% of total of captured individuals and was the only species captured in eight of 10 areas. Clyomys laticeps was the second most frequent species, occurring in four areas. A Correspondence Analysis did not show clear differences among areas but grouped the wet-grassland areas, which were dominated by the rodent Oxymycterus delator and the marsupial Lutreolina crassicaudata. We also did not detect significance difference in capture rates between seasons. However, we captured young N. lasiurus individuals significantly more in the rainy season than in the dry-wet season. The estimated density of this species by the beginning of wet season was 19.02 ind/ha, which was high in comparison with other Cerrado areas. The present study indicated that open areas of the NPE harbor small-mammal communities similar to open areas of other Cerrado regions.

Micromamíferos de la región de Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut, Argentina)


Este trabajo comprende una lista de micromamíferos obtenidos en la región de Comodoro Rivadavia (Distrito del Golfo San Jorge, Provincia Fitogeográfica Patagónica). Fueron capturados 80 caviomorfos, presumiblemente Microcavia australis. También se identificó 1 marsupial (Lestodelphys halli) y 39 roedores: 19 Graomys griseoflavus (2n = 36, 37 and 38), 1 Phyllotis xanthopygus (2n = 38), 7 Reithrodon auritus (2n = 34) y 12 Abrothrix olivaceus (2n = 44). En la última especie el número diploide de cromosomas es diferente al de trabajos previos (2n = 52); esta diferencia puede ser atribuida a un polimorfismo cromosómico estructural.

Small mammals of Comodoro Rivadavia area (Chubut, Argentina). A list of small mammals obtained in the region of Comodoro Rivadavia (Gulf San Jorge District, Patagonia Phytogeographic Province) is here included. Eighty caviomorfs, presumably Microcavia australis, were captured. We also identified 1 marsupial (Lestodelphys halli) and 39 rodents: 19 Graomys griseoflavus (2n = 36, 37 and 38), 1 Phyllotis xanthopygus (2n = 38), 7 Reithrodon auritus (2n = 34) and 12 Abrothrix olivaceus (2n = 44). In the last species the diploid number of chromosomes is different to previous reports (2n = 52). This difference may be attributed to structural chromosomal polymorphism.